5 Simple Ways To Improve SEO

Posted by Michael Auer on Sep 24, 2021 8:48:04 AM

5 Simple Ways To Improve SEOSearch engine optimization is a vital part of any digital marketing plan and requires constant attention to get it right. There are dozens of factors that determine the ranking of a website page, and those factors change frequently. Here we take a look at five simple ways to improve SEO.

Publish More Content

The more quality content you can produce, the better chance you will be found through a search engine. This includes upping your monthly blog count to between 12 and 16 articles per month and regularly adding videos, infographics, and additional premium content pieces. Each page you create is another opportunity to rank in search engines, and any relevant content you add to your website increases its authority.

Fix Broken Links

The worst thing that can happen is that someone finds one of your pages through a search, leading to an error page. Even if the rest of your site is fully operational, this can cause you to lose prospects and ruin your credibility. Broken links also hurt your SEO and site authority. Run an audit on your site to identify any broken links and fix them. Your best option is to recreate the page as this won’t impact your SEO negatively the way redirects can.

Increase Distribution

The more people you can get to view your website pages and browse through your site, the better you will rank. Increasing your content distribution efforts to get your blogs and landing pages in front of as many people within your target audience as possible. Your channels should include, at minimum, your website, social media pages, advertisements, and email. You may even consider content syndication or leveraging a PR firm to broaden your reach.

Get More Backlinks

Gaining backlinks is all about publishing quality content that resonates with the right people and having a well-thought-out distribution plan that puts it right in front of them. You can also perform outreach to popular industry websites to ask them to link to your article, but that can be frowned upon in some circles. Backlinks have been a significant part of Google’s algorithm for quite some time. You only want authoritative sites linking to you as this is a factor as well.

Make Your Site User Friendly

The more user-friendly your website is, the more likely visitors are to stay on your site and continue to browse through your content. With dwell time and average page views per visit being ranking factors, usability and your website experience is extremely important. Navigation should be clear and easy to use. Whitespace should be plentiful to make your content easily digestible, and your page load speed should be no greater than 2 seconds.

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Topics: Digital Marketing, SEO