5 Essential Marketing Videos

Posted by Michael Auer on Sep 10, 2021 9:53:00 AM

5 Essential Marketing VideosVideo has become an essential tool in B2B marketing for a variety of reasons. They are easily absorbed and shared more through social channels than written articles. They help you to humanize your brand and show off your products in action. Here we take a look at five types of videos that are essential to your marketing plan.

Company Overview

A company overview video should give a broad description of what you do and briefly highlight some of your most popular products or services. Clearly communicate the mission of your business and highlight some of the key players on your team. The visuals should include your office, employees, and products to humanize your brand.

Community Involvement

If your business is involved with community projects or charitable organizations, it is a great idea to highlight these activities with a short video. Take footage of your team participating in charitable events and splice them into a video that not only improves your reputation but brings awareness to the causes that you’re contributing to.

Product Demonstration

You may have multiple products and services that you need to make videos for, and you should do so. The idea here is to demonstrate the ease of use and the effectiveness of your products in solving key pain points for your customers. Video demos allow prospects to see your solutions in action, which can be far more convincing than simply writing about them.

Client Testimonials

Video case studies and highlight reels of customer testimonials can be extremely persuasive when it comes time to close a deal. People tend to believe the words of their peers more than a company trying to sell them a product. Written case studies are effective, but getting your clients to participate in a video provides credibility to your organization.

Event Highlights

If your business hosts or attends events, you should always have a video camera on hand. These videos can help promote a booth you’re presenting at or an event you’re hosting. When you can show off all of the fun you had at a past event in a video, you will likely encourage prospects to come and find you at your next event.

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Topics: Video