5 Components Of A Successful Written Blog Article

Posted by Michael Auer on Sep 3, 2021 1:56:21 PM

5 Components Of A Successful Written Blog ArticleWritten blogs are still one of the best ways to increase website traffic, build awareness, generate leads, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. A successful article requires far more than just quality writing. Here we take a look at five components of a successfully written blog article.

Focus On Your Prospect’s Needs

Each article that you write should be aimed at educating and entertaining your prospects. Develop detailed buyer personas and make sure each article you write is solely focused on one of them. Focus on their major pain points and offer up solutions within your articles. Showcase how your products can help them, but keep the focus on providing value. Each blog should be crafted around one or two long-tailed keywords that are likely to be searched by your target audience.

Use Original Graphics And Images

If you really want to get the attention of your prospects, you'll want to use your own original graphics and images. This is especially important when you are posting your articles to social media. While stock images serve their purpose, using your own will help you stand out. Original graphics that detail your products' uses and benefits help communicate complex ideas that are difficult to explain using only text. In many cases, the visual aspects of your article are just as important as what you write.

Back Up Your Findings

Whenever you make a statement as fact, make sure you have some kind of data to back it up. Whether a statistic or a direct quote from an expert, backing up your findings is essential in building credibility. Be sure to cite sources that your audience is familiar with and that are seen as an authority on the subject matter. Include a link to the website you obtained the information from, as this will help SEO and encourage the source to share your article. Doing your research and citing studies or surveys you've conducted can be equally effective.

Write A Story

You don't want to slam your readers with lists of facts and statistics. Turn your article into a story. Personalize it with your own experiences. Find ways to capture the reader's imagination and tap into some of their interests outside of work. When you share a bit of yourself and frame your story in a way that speaks to your reader, your work will come across as more personal and conversational. This builds a level of trust that is needed throughout the marketing and sales process.

Distribute Across Multiple Channels

Distribution is perhaps the most overlooked aspect of creating successful blog content. You could write the greatest article in history, but it will matter very little if you can't get it in front of your target audience. Each article should be posted to your website and social media pages as well as shared through relevant discussion groups. They should be used in email campaigns and even leveraged through pay-per-click advertising. Don't be afraid to share your articles multiple times across each platform and keep them updated.

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