10 Key Members Of An Effective Digital Marketing Team

Posted by Michael Auer on Aug 3, 2020 9:09:28 AM

10 Key Members Of An Effective Digital Marketing TeamDigital marketing has taken on an even greater importance for B2B organizations in 2020, and it appears that trend will continue into the foreseeable future. While most companies have some semblance of a marketing team, many either lack, or are unfamiliar with the team members needed to implement an effective digital marketing strategy. Here we break down ten key members of an effective digital marketing team.

Digital Marketing Manager

This is the person responsible for ensuring the implementation of your digital marketing plan. They will handle assigning tasks to team members, reporting on analytics, adjusting strategy and developing a content calendar.

Content Creators

Each digital team should have at least two or three writers with a variety of expertise. This will help to keep your content fresh and provide different angles, voices and points of view. A clear process should be put in place for writing each type of content piece and assignments with due dates should be very clear within your content calendar. If you plan to incorporate video, you may need additional staff with an expertise in video production.

Content Editors

Every piece of content should be read through and edited by a second pair of eyes. Even the best writers make mistakes and editing one’s own work can be difficult. Using a program such as Grammarly is helpful and relaying any changes back to the writer will help to develop their skills.  Again, if your videos will be produced in-house, you’ll need to consider hiring someone to edit your videos.

Social Media Specialist

Social media is an integral part of inbound marketing and you should have at least one dedicated social media expert. This person will be responsible for daily postings, distributing to groups, engaging with prospect’s posts, increasing following and reporting on metrics. If you use paid social media ads, you may want to add an additional team member to handle those responsibilities.

Graphic Designer

Images should be included on every piece of content you produce, and high-quality original images are the most effective. Blog posts with images perform better than those without them and infographics are some of the most shared pieces of content through social media.

SEO Specialist

SEO specialists are professionals who use research and analysis to improve a website's ranking on search engines like Google. They find the most popular and relevant keywords used in search engine queries and insert them into websites, helping search engines find those sites and display them to web users.”

PPC Advertising Manager

A pay per click manager is responsible for implementing digital advertising campaigns through search engines, social media and other media outlets. Digital advertising has become a necessity with all of the competition online, and having a team member dedicated to the success of these campaigns will give you a much better chance of attaining a positive ROI on your advertising dollars.

Website Designer

It's a web designer's responsibility to construct the overall look and feel of a website, using images, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to do so. Designers are typically creative in nature, and have a knack for picking aesthetically pleasing color palettes.”

Marketing Automation Platform

While not a person, the right marketing automation platform can have the impact of several team members all in one. While it is possible to run digital campaigns without an automation platform, using one can save time, keep you organized and improve reporting. Being able to house all of your inbound efforts on one platform allows you to see which tactics, pieces of content and social media posts are most effective, all in one place.

Outsource Partners

In many cases it may not be financially feasible or prudent to hire on an entire digital marketing team.  In which case, it may be a good idea to look into outsourcing. Finding an agency that specializes in your niche and has a solid track record of helping companies like yours can provide you with tailored marketing campaigns at a fraction of the cost of hiring a team.

Download our free eBook - Marketing's Digital Transformation: A Guide To Auditing And Optimizing Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Marketing’s Digital Transformation A Guide To Auditing And Optimizing Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Topics: Marketing, Growth Marketing