Which Outbound Tactics Best Complement Your Inbound Marketing Strategy?

Posted by Michael Auer on Mar 27, 2018 9:13:23 AM

Which Outbound Tactics Best Complement Your Inbound Marketing Strategy?While some tactics have been scrutinized and fallen out of favor, there is no denying the effectiveness of complimenting your inbound marketing strategy with traditional outbound campaigns. The two can be intertwined and used to deliver highly qualified leads. There are three strategies that work particularly well when incorporated into your inbound marketing plan.

Email Outreach

Aside from email workflows designed to nurture prospects through the buyer’s journey, outreach emails such as company newsletters, exclusive offers and personalized educational messaging all help to draw prospects through your funnel. Reaching out to key accounts with email offers provides key insights on their interests, pain points and stage in the funnel. Once a prospect engages with an email they can now be placed into a lead nurturing workflow or reached out to via teleprospecting efforts to further qualify them.


Teleprospecting is one of the best ways to qualify inbound leads and ensure you are only passing truly qualified leads to your sales team. These programs infuse both the telephone and email fulfillment pieces aimed at educating your prospect. A live conversation provides many benefits including identifying decision makers and key influencers, current needs and budget. Additionally these conversations are the best way to build trust and a true connection with your potential customers.

Direct Mail

Since the inception of email the number of direct mail pieces going out has shrunk considerably. This has actually made them more effective. Since everyone uses email, a direct mail piece will stand out. Direct mail works best when they are highly personalized and contain a valuable offer. These types of campaigns should be used on already identified decision makers within your list of key accounts. They also work well on prospects already in your funnel that have stopped engaging with your digital content or have stopped opening your emails.

Inbound marketing has proven to be an effective way to drive website visitors, leads and brand awareness, but there is still more than enough room for outbound. Its incorporation will only enhance the quality of your leads and the overall success of your inbound marketing strategy.Click Here to Schedule Your Free Inbound Marketing Assessment

Topics: Inbound Marketing