The Right Way To Feed Your Channel Partners Marketing Content

Posted by Michael Auer on Mar 12, 2019 11:15:15 AM

The Right Way To Feed Your Channel Partners Marketing ContentSimply providing sales and marketing content to your channel partners is not enough, they need strategy and direction.  Many partners lack the bandwidth to create a plan based on the materials they receive and often times valuable content assets go unused.  In order to curb this and maximize the usage of your materials, a few key steps are necessary.

Channel Management Software

Software that allows you to share content with your channel partners and even distribute on their behalf can make a world of difference in the perceived credibility and reach of your partners.  Platforms like Avertek allow you to deliver campaigns directly to your channel partners and enable them to easily share their content with the world.  Making it easy for partners to obtain and distribute content will encourage more of them to actively participate in the marketing of your products and services.

Specified Marketing Channels

Earmarking content assets for specific marketing channels, industries, verticals and target organizations can greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your partner’s marketing efforts.  With an unmatched knowledge of where and how to reach your customers, you as the parent company are the best to communicate how each piece of content should be used.  Instead of performing a “data dump” on your partners, clearly indicate which pieces should be used through which channels.  This will make their distribution more effective.

Timing Of Distribution

Educating and guiding your partners on the frequency in which certain materials should be released or posted helps keep them organized by allowing them to create a content calendar.  This ensures that their messaging is consistent and they maintain brand awareness.  The more organized your partners are, the more effective their marketing will be.  It also ensures their prospects keep your company’s products and services at the top of their mind and helps to avoid duplicate content and excessive outreach.

Easily Cobranded

With branding being so important in today’s marketing landscape, making your materials easy to manipulate in a way that allows for your partners to include their personal brand while maintaining consistency throughout your partner community is essential.  The content you distribute should essentially be in template form.  Making it clear where their company name and brand should be placed will reduce the time and hassle associate with cobranding marketing materials.

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Topics: Channel Marketing