Sales and Marketing working together to make an unstoppable team

Posted by Courtney Lawson on Jun 19, 2018 9:18:02 AM


Sales and marketing team rivalries can hurt your bottom line. Making sure your sales team and your marketing team are getting along and working together is key in making sure that leads become clients. Here are some helpful ways to make sure your sales and marketing teams are in sync with each other.

Setting goals

At the end of the day, sales and marketing have the same goals. They both want your organization to gain new customers and help the company profit. Set some lofty goals for your organization and provide incentives for both teams to meet them. They will work hard and work together to meet their goals and gain the incentives.


Make sure everyone is on the same page. Decide who your ideal customers are and make sure both teams are working to satisfy the needs of those customers. The sales team has vast knowledge of who their customers are and why they’re buying. The marketing team knows how to reach them and get them interested.


Communication is key to making sure everyone is on the same page. Have regular meetings to discuss strategies that are, or are not working. Also use this time to brainstorm new ideas for both teams. The first meeting may be rough. Make sure everyone is on the same page and set your expectations for them from the start. Explain to them your end goal and as a team share ideas on how you’re going to achieve it.

Set boundaries

One of the biggest struggles between sales and marketing is people stepping on each other’s toes and getting in their way. If each team develops their own set of ground rules and agrees to stick to the rules the other has imposed they should not have a reason to squabble.

Have a consistent message

When the marketing team brings in a prospective client they may have made an impression and set some expectations. Make sure both teams are on the same page so that the expectations are met and the client isn’t disappointed after the hand off. Make sure all services that are offered are very clear to both teams. If something is to change with those services, both teams should be notified immediately so their messaging can change

When sales and marketing teams work together, they can close 10% more leads than they did before. Bridging the gap and ending internal conflict can make a huge impact on your bottom line.