Creating A Successful Content Marketing Campaign

Posted by Michael Auer on Mar 21, 2017 2:29:55 PM

Creating A Successful Content Marketing CampaignAny successful content marketing campaign requires careful planning and attention to detail.  While every campaign will be different there are some key aspects that make up nearly every content marketing strategy.


The first step in creating your campaign is determining your target audience.  You will want to develop detailed buyer personas by researching demographics, common pain points, preferred social platforms and how they like to be communicated.  These details will help shape the rest of your campaign.


Blog and social media content are at the core of your strategy.  You will want to post approximately 4 blogs per week in order to maximize website traffic.  Each blog should be centered around one of the long tailed keywords you’ve chosen to target with your campaign.  Your content should be diverse which can be achieved by offering different media such as videos, infographics and live webinars.

Value Offer

Your value offer will most likely come in the form of a piece of premium content (i.e. eBooks & whitepapers), or a free offer such as a consultation, product trial or introductory service.  These offers should be gated by forms on a landing page allowing you to capture contact information and other valuable insights into the needs of your audience.


Quality content is extremely important but the most crucial aspect of your campaign is the distribution of that content.  Companies are best served using a multi-channel approach that utilizes several different platforms to spread your information.  This can include social outlets, question and answer sites, email, direct mail and relevant industry media websites.


Many of the people that take advantage of your value offer will not be ready to buy immediately.  In order to capitalize on the information they’ve provided and get the most out of your leads you will need to adopt several different types of lead nurturing strategies.  This will allow you to maintain a steady marketing funnel and keep your company at the top of the mind of your potential customers.

Founded in 1990, Winn Technology Group is a leading provider of global, multi-channel marketing solutions for the technology industry.   For both direct and channel sales, Winn supports demand creation, account-based marketing, channel management, digital marketing, social media, teleprospecting, lead nurturing, event marketing, database services, and inbound response management.

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Topics: Inbound Marketing