Content Blogging: What Should You Write About?

Posted by Christina Zumwalt on Dec 12, 2018 9:50:57 AM

content-3679757_1920Ever wonder what your company should be blogging about? Or how to pick the perfect topic to gain those few extra readers? The content you create should focus on educating your prospects and nurturing them through the sales cycle. Here is how to figure out what you should be blogging about.

What are people searching for?

You want to blog about things that you know people are looking for. This helps to give you several followers on your blogs and keeps people interested. You want to make sure it is something you are interested in as well. Being interested in the topic allows you to write more about it and keep your readers interested. You do not need to be an expert on the topic in order to write on the subject.

Learning something new

You want to write about new and upcoming things for the future. Working in a business-to-business marketing firm you want to find new trends to write about that will benefit your business. You want your readers to learn something new by reading your blog. Some people might want to reach out for some marketing help but might not know where they need to look or what they are looking for. Helping them to learn something new would help them to know where to start and what they are looking for.

Readers want entertainment

When you are writing your blog you want to make it entertaining as well as educational. You want to make sure you have an attention grabbing introduction to make them click on your blog and read it. You want to be funny and captivating, but also knowledgeable about the subject you are writing about.

Knowing what people want and giving them new knowledge is what you should be writing about. You want to make sure your content is entertaining and educational but also keeps your audience interested.

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