7 Video Marketing Optimization Tips

Posted by Michael Auer on Dec 15, 2017 1:39:34 PM

7 Video Marketing Optimization TipsVideo has become the preferred way to consume content by many in the marketing and tech space and cutting through the clutter can be difficult. Creating strong content that drives engagement and provides continuous website traffic requires a close look into what makes people consume video.


Many people watch videos with the sound off, especially on social media platforms. Including clear subtitles will help draw the attention of people scrolling through their newsfeed. Communicating your content vocally, physically and through the written word will help your visitors retain more of the information. This makes your message, and brand, memorable.

Text Version

A written transcript of your video is vital to reach those that prefer written content. It is also useful for those that would like to cite or reference your work. Your text version should include at least one call to action, images, as well as internal and external links.


Video series’ are extremely popular and can help your blog develop a loyal and consistent following. Moz has produced their weekly Whiteboard Friday series for some time now with a great deal of success. Coming up with a theme that both resonates with, and educates your preferred audience should be your top priority when developing a video series.


Funny videos are interesting and highly shareable throughout all social channels. Including humor within your thought leadership, product descriptions and branding materials will help keep your audience entertained and show off a little bit of your brand’s personality.


Video gives your viewers a chance to see your face and offers an inside look at the personality of your brand. When done properly, showing off your personality on camera can create a connection with your audience. People like to do business with people that they like and video offers and opportunity to springboard communication and trust.


Your video library should include several members of your organization, different themes, humor and education. Keeping your video content fresh is just as important as it is with the written word. While not everyone will want to be on camera, you should seek input from all levels of your organization. You may have lower level employees who have experience on camera, writing scripts or even producing that can help bring your video campaigns to the next level.


Engaging with your audience during live events or through chatbots while they’re viewing your content can help enrich the experience. Video has a unique ability to spark conversation and the need to be available to your visitors on-demand has become the norm in today’s fast paced marketing world. 

Founded in 1990, Winn Technology Group is a leading provider of global, multi-channel marketing solutions for the technology industry.   For both direct and channel sales, Winn supports demand creation, account-based marketing, channel management, digital marketing, social media, teleprospecting, lead nurturing, event marketing, database services, and inbound response management.CONTACT WINN TECHNOLOGY GROUP US

Topics: Video